At St. Francis Pet Care Clinic, we help dogs of all ages and 18 year old JJ is an example of the staff’s dedication and care for senior dogs. In fact, JJ has been one of Saint Francis Pet Care’s first patients, “his ID number is in the single digits,” our manager Sarah confirms. The mission of the clinic – “Keeping People and Pets Together” – not only means for short-term situations but also through extending pets’ lives with preventative care and ensuring that they can stay with their loved ones for as long as possible. It is a testament to the success of the clinic, with the help from community donations and PetSmart Charities, that we now have many clients with elderly pets that are living happy and healthy beyond their assumed life expectancy like JJ.
JJ’s owner Kevin has always loved dogs and after his 17 year old Jack Russell had died from a heart condition, he first wanted to wait before adopting another pet. Given how much dogs mean to him, Kevin would regularly go by the Northeast Animal Shelter in his hometown just to pet the dogs there. He was still grieving when he spotted JJ and felt that “he was it, and JJ has been nothing but an amazing little man.”
12 years ago, Kevin moved to Florida from the Northeast and had a hard time finding a job. He brought JJ with him. “When I came here I had nowhere else to turn for JJ’s care.” Kevin talks about how much he appreciates “the dedicated staff at SFPC” who have helped JJ over the years, first with treating skin allergies and later arthritic issues for which he received regular Adequan injections. Just a year ago, JJ developed diabetes that required regular insulin injections and testing. Kevin can’t state enough how much the clinic and staff have meant to him with JJ receiving free check-ups, food and discounts on general meds.
St. Francis Pet Care provides palliative care for senior pets such as pain relief from arthritis, joint and mobility supplements, nutritional care for kidney and liver disease, medications for heart and thyroid disease, and relief for eye conditions that may develop later in life. PetSmart Charities has generously contributed by providing funding for lab work and diagnostics to help identify these diseases early so the pets can receive life-extending therapies. “If PetSmart Charities had not provided the lab work for JJ, we would not have identified his diabetes as early as we did. Our clients have limited financial means and annual blood work is usually out of their reach. In JJ’s case this was a life-saving contribution,” according to SFPC medical director, Dr. Frances Lane.
Kevin explains how much it helps him to be around dogs, “it keeps me focused and calm, and if I didn’t have JJ, I would not be the same person.” The two have been best buds for a long time. Kevin says that JJ keeps him warm at night by sleeping at the foot of the bed and that they used to walk together for miles. Now JJ is more of a couch potato, says Kevin, but he certainly has not lost his therapeutic qualities. “When I am not feeling well, he sleeps on the pillow right next to me.” Kevin tells us that “dogs live by example, they don’t judge, they just care, they are loyal and all they ask for is that you care for them and feed them.”
Kevin and JJ recently adopted a new friend, Piper. She is a Goldendoodle puppy that has brought renewed energy and joy to their lives. “She has been so great with JJ, she makes sure he eats his dinner and keeps his energy levels up. She’s there to go on walks with me after the stress of a long day. We are both benefiting from having a little-big sister.”
Kevin cares for JJ with all his heart and JJ returns the love unconditionally. These two best friends are united in a great story of love and loyalty. St. Francis Pet Care is honored to be a part of their adventure together.
R.I.P, 2004-2022